Keynote der ASIM 2020
Keynote des virtuellen Treffens der AG Simulation (ASIM), gehalten am 14.10.2020 zum Thema “Zukunft Modellieren – Science Fiction als soziale Simulation von Hyperobjekten”
Keynote des virtuellen Treffens der AG Simulation (ASIM), gehalten am 14.10.2020 zum Thema “Zukunft Modellieren – Science Fiction als soziale Simulation von Hyperobjekten”
Am 14.11.2019 eröffne ich mit dem Vortrag “Gespielte Zukunft: Utopische Räume im Videospiel” die Wintervorlesungsreihe der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Es wird um Spiele als Raum für utopisches Handeln gehen, vornehmlich also um die aktive Erkundung dystopischer Welten, die Erschaffung eigener utopisch-dystopischer Narrative durch Spielerhandeln etc. Ich rede über BioShock, DayZ und bestimmt auch Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
Imagining Alternatives – Speculative Fiction and the Political
11th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft fuer Fantastikforschung (GFF) in cooperation with the German Popular Culture Studies Association (GPCA)
September 10-12, 2020, University of Augsburg, Germany
Author Ian McEwan’s recent claims that Science Fiction is not political enough are not only elitist, but also could not be farther from the truth. After all, any Speculative Fiction, no matter if it is Science Fiction, Fantasy, the Gothic, Horror, or any other variation of the fantastic, has always been political in that they make it possible for us to imagine alternatives to the lives we live – whether it is the warnings of dystopian works such as George Orwell’s 1984or more recently, Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale and its adaptation into a TV series that have resonated at times of #metoo and Trump. Alternate histories such as Man in the High Castle continue to keep audiences similarly engaged, while Harry Potter’s allegory on fascism has served as inspiration for political protest against right-wing voices, particularly for the millennial generation that has grown up with it. Star Trek’s humanist utopia is still going strong after 50 years, and its most recent installment, Star Trek: Discovery may in many ways be its most political yet – particularly given the controversies its spiked for its strive for diversity, bringing to the forefront larger issues surrounding certain sections of SF fans that want to claim the genre(s) as mere escapism without political ideology.
SF has also been used for political (Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged) or religious (scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s works or Tim La Haye’s Left Behind series) propaganda,furthershowing the cultural capital ofspeculative fiction.Jurassic Park has warned us of the ills of consumerism driving science, Tolkien’s works are not just ecocritical but also anti-fascist, and Doctor Who’s titular character continues to not only fight the Daleks, a thinly-veiled Nazi allegory, but has also recently visited Rosa Parks. Additionally, the recent surge in Climate Fiction, a genre originally advanced by hard SF writers, has built up optimism about the abilityof popular culture to not only portray but also ignite eco-political engagement.
This conference thus calls for papers on all forms and genres of speculative fiction and their engagement with the political, be it novels, film, television series, or immersive media such as games or theme parks.
There is generally an open track to submit papers on any SF-related topic, however, we specifically welcome discussions of such issues as:
Please send abstracts (in English or German) of 300 words plus bio blurbs of 150 words to byJanuary 15, 2020.
The GFF will offer travel grants of 250 Euros each for two (graduate) students attending the conference. Please let us know if you want to be considered when applying.
A conference homepage with more information will follow over the coming months, the conference Twitter handle is @GFF_11th.
Es hat sich etwas getan in Sachen Internationalisierung in den Science Fiction Studies – wo noch bis in die 2000er-Jahre hinein der einzig mögliche Austausch in den USA (und teilweise in Großbritannien) stattfand, da ist in den letzten zehn Jahren deutlich Bewegung in Forschungsgemeinde gekommen.
Read MoreWednesday 2 October | 6.30 – 8pm | Tickets £5/3
Dr. Lars Schmeink (HafenCity University Hamburg), Nicole Prandi (PhD candidate at Manchester University) and Natasha Josette (environmental and political organiser) will explore how we might adapt to the future, discussing possible life-saving algae, inclusive activism, and changing notions about what it means to be human.
Read MoreIn the 1980s science fictional imaginary, the future was saturated with invasive technology. Bodies were invaded by mechanical and electronic prosthesis, overcoming physical biological limitations and creating cyborg hybridity. Digital structures invaded the mind, opening it to new, virtual worlds that paralleled our own.
Vortrag auf dem PAN Branchentreffen in Köln, gehalten am 19.04.2018 als Impuls zur Diversität in der Fantastik vor einer Paneldiskussion zum Thema “Rassismus – Sexismus – Homophobie – welche Verantwortung hat die Phantastik?” — Angesichts der Twitterdiskussionen im Nachgang und der notwendigen Auseinandersetzung habe ich mich – entgegen meiner normalen Praxis – dazu entschlossen den Entwurf meines Vortrags hier einzustellen.
Read MoreVeranstalter | Lars Schmeink |
Thema | Mediensysteme |
Art der Veranstaltung | Seminar |
Zeit des Seminars | Block |
Raum | KMM 1 |
Beginn | WiSe 2017 |
Seminarbaustein “Medien” im Fernstudium Master Kultur- und Medienmanagement am KMM Hamburg, Wintersemester 2017Read More
Veranstalter | Lars Schmeink |
Thema | Was ist Wissenschaft? Was ist wissenschaftliches Arbeiten? |
Art der Veranstaltung | Vorlesung |
Zeit des Seminars | Online |
Raum | Online |
Beginn | Ab 23.10.17 |
Einführungsvorlesung für alle Erstsemester der HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Wintersemester 2017/18 Read More
Veranstalter | Lars Schmeink |
Thema | Medien und Gesellschaft |
Art der Veranstaltung | Seminar |
Zeit des Seminars | Do 14-18 Uhr |
Raum | KMM 1 |
Beginn | WiSe 2017 |
Seminarbaustein “Medien” im Masterstudium Kultur- und Medienmanagement am KMM Hamburg, Wintersemester 2017Read More