Day Z (2012)
Hall, Dean. “DayZ”. Modification. 2012. Arma II. Design Ivan Buchta. Bohemia Interactive. Prague: 2009. Web. <>.
Hall, Dean. “DayZ”. Modification. 2012. Arma II. Design Ivan Buchta. Bohemia Interactive. Prague: 2009. Web. <>.
A new partnership of nations has begun, and we stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. (…) Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective – a new world order – can emerge: A new era – freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice and more secure in the quest for peace.
George H. W. Bush [1]
George Bush, Sr., former President of the United States, is famous for this promise that he gave in a speech in Congress on September 11th 1990. It was a promise for a utopian world of global union and peace that was ironically used to justify a war, which many considered more an act of policing than an act of conquest. For the authors of Empire, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, world police action such as this is emblematic of the constitution of a “new world order” of different magnitude. In their book Hardt and Negri posit that we are witnessing the constitution of a global system of power relations that they refer to as Empire. Empire is the result of the progression from modernity to post- modernity and of the decline of national sovereign power. It is expression of a global market and a worldwide flow of products, information and population. In their opinion, Empire usurps the sovereign vacuum and establishes a new world order. It should be noted, though, that Empire is not imperialism:
4. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Fantastikforschung
Gemeinsam mit den 33. Wetzlarer Tagen der Phantastik
26.09. – 29.09.2013
an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen,
in den Räumen der Phantastischen Bibliothek und der Stadthalle Wetzlar.
Ausgerichtet durch die
Sektion 10 – “Phantastische Welten”
des Gießener Graduiertenzentrums Kulturwissenschaften
in Kooperation mit der Phantastischen Bibliothek Wetzlar,
unter der Schirmherrschaft von Prof. Dr. Annette Simonis.
>> Programm
Veranstalter | Lars Schmeink |
Thema | Grundlagen der amerikanistischen Literaturwissenschaft |
Art der Veranstaltung | Seminar Ia |
Veranstaltungsnummer | 53-537 |
Zeit des Seminars | 2st., Do 18–19.30 Uhr s.t. + 2 Std. Übung |
Raum | Phil 1219 |
Beginn | Ab 18.10.12 |
Seminar am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik der Universität Hamburg, Wintersemester 2012/13Read More
I am a gamer. This is not part of a twelve-step program confession but a generational fact. And I am not alone. My generation, that has been so snidely labeled Generation X, is the first to have grown-up into gaming culture, completely enveloped by it. Read More
Thema | An Virtual Introduction to Science Fiction |
Veranstaltung | Seminar Ib |
Nummer | 53-563 |
Zeit | Dienstag 18-20 Uhr |
Raum | Hörsaal K, ESA 1 |
Beginn | 03. April 2012 |
Seminar am Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik der Universität Hamburg, Sommersemester 2012Read More
Depending on how broad a definition is used, one may argue that the ideas of science fiction (sf) are as old as human storytelling. Tales of travelling to the stars can for example be found among poets of the Classic era (Lucian’s True History of 2nd century origin), while visions of a better world were especially popular during the Renaissance (Thomas More’s Utopia of 1516 naming that related genre). Read More
There is virtually no review of Splice (Canada 2009) that does not at some point mention Frankenstein in order to guide viewer expectations of the film and clearly position it within the horror segment. Read More
Es gibt eigentlich so gut wie kein Review des Films Splice (CDN/FR/US 2009, dt. Splice – Das Genexperiment), in dem nicht auf die Bezüge zu Frankenstein (1816) verwiesen wird, und sei es nur, um die Erwartungen des Rezipienten zu lenken und den Film so deutlich im Horrorsegment zu positionieren.
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