Danielle Shalet has written an mixed review of The Routledge Companion to Cyberpunk Culture (edited by Anna McFarlane, Graham J. Murphy, and Lars Schmeink) in Foundation, vol. 50, no. 2, 132–34. Here is a nice quote:

„What makes this book distinctive from more general works on science fiction […] is that it not only focuses exclusively on cyberpunk but it also thoughtfully illustrates the importance of cyberpunk as a ‘culture’. The editors do this adroitly through their selection of essays and the essays’ strategic placement within the work. It is clear that nothing is done in this book by accident. The essays are tactically placed in terms of interest, cultural significance, importance and quality, and the editors do their best to produce an extensive guide on the subject, drawing from a range of experts as well as postgraduate students and cyberpunk enthusiasts.“

Here is the PDF of the review, in case you are interested.